G20 Fiscal Goals: Like Losing Half Your Pregnancy Weight
The declaration from the G20 meetings in Toronto this past weekend sounds, at first, to be taking a strong stance on fiscal consolidation. “There is...
Line Items: Extenders Debate Ends; Appropriations Season Begins
Extenders Put on Hold – Legislation to extend some tax breaks and expanded unemployment insurance has been put on the back burner because senators...
Our "Sexed Up" Website
In his Sunday Wonkbook post, Ezra Klein highlighted CRFB’s Stabilize the Debt interactive online game, which allows visitors to pick and choose for...
The Ten Commandments
Unbeknownst to the public, Olivier Blanchard and Carlo Cottarelli ascended Mt. Sinai at some point earlier this year. Last week, they came down with...
Major Financial Reform Package Decided In Congress
Today, Congressional negotiators agreed upon a plan to reform the American financial regulation system—which, if it passes next week, would constitute...
On the eve of the G-20 in Toronto this weekend, U.S. financial markets have continued to be dominated by safe haven effects as investors (domestic and...
The Long and Winding Road: More Twists and Turns for the Extenders Bill
For weeks, Congress has been re-tooling and re-tooling the extenders bill (HR 4213), looking for 60 votes to pass. Two things have held constant...
Appropriations: A Train Wreck? No, Worse
Even in best years the congressional appropriations process usually results in a proverbial train wreck. And this year is shaping up to be such a bad...
Opportunities to Speak Up on Debt and Deficits
Americans will get the chance to have their voices heard on what policymakers should do about the unsustainable fiscal outlook at some upcoming events...
Steny Hoyer on Everything Fiscal
In remarks at the think tank Third Way, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer covered the bases in talking about our deficits and debt. Among the topics...
The ECB on Fiscal Consolidation
The European Central Bank joined the Announcement Effect Club yesterday in its June Monthly Bulletin. In evaluating the costs and benefits of fiscal...
Exploring Federal Pay for Cuts
As our Budget Simulator grows in popularity, more and more people have taken the spending challenge to voice how they would like to see government...