House Set to Pass New Rules
Last night, the House Republican conference approved a new set of rules -- making some big changes to several budgetary rules currently in place. The...
So, How Much Would Republicans Cut Spending?
In the Pledge to America released this past fall, House Republicans called for "[rolling] back government spending to pre-stimulus, prebailout levels...
Senator Coburn Joins the Announcement Effect Club
Over the holiday break, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) gave an interview on Fox News that qualified him to be the newest member of the Announcement Effect...
2011 the Year of the Rabbit? Let's Hope It's the Year of a Fiscal Plan
Happy New Year, and what a year we've had! In just the last 12 months, we've seen the passage of health care reform legislation that will begin to...
‘Line’ Items: New Year Edition
Happy New Year – Washington is gearing up for what will be an interesting 2011. President Obama is back to work on Tuesday from his vacation and the...
House Republicans Propose New Budget Rules
Incoming House Republicans set to take control of the House of Representatives next month have proposed new rules for the 112th Congress. The House...
State of the Union Preview -- A Holiday Gift?
With the holiday season in full force, the White House made some news in announcing on Twitter that the President will focus on the federal budget and...
2010 Financial Report of the U.S. Government
The Treasury Department released Tuesday its annual Financial Report of the U.S Government. The report highlights the nation's budget deficit, net...
The Government is Funded...until March 4th
On Tuesday the Senate passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) keeping the federal government funded until March 4; the House is expected to pass it later...
Chambliss and Warner: The New Debt Reduction Dream Team
This morning, Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Mark Warner (D-VA) announced that they will introduce as legislation the Fiscal Commission’s...
Updated: CRFB's Table Comparing Deficit Reduction Plans
Over the past few weeks, several other think tanks, lawmakers, and experts have proposed their own plans for deficit reduction. We've update our...