As Debt-Limit Deadline Nears, Lawmakers Must Avoid Budget Gimmicks
At a press briefing yesterday, President Obama invited Congressional leaders of both parties to the White House tomorrow to continue ongoing debt...
Senator Rockefeller Offers Up Revenue Plan
While much of the conversation on tax increases in a debt ceiling budget deal has seemed to focus on corporate jet owners, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)...
Projecting Defense Spending
In a recent report, CBO estimated the base defense budget from 2012 out through 2030 using the Defense Department's Future Years Defense Program (FYDP...
Wyoming Residents Ask Politicians to Endorse Fiscal Commission
After a sold-out presentation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming last week in which Fiscal Commission co-chair Senator Alan Simpson detailed the Commission's $4...
‘Line’ Items: Independence Day Edition
More Fireworks in Store – Washington, DC celebrated Independence Day on Monday night with its annual fireworks display on the National Mall. Though...
Farewell to QE2
June has come to a close. With that also comes an end of the second round of quantitative easing, known as QE2. QE2 started off small in August 2010...
Getting All A-Twitter on the Budget
It’s hard to deny that Twitter has become an important medium, having recently surpassed 300 million registered users. The White House has recognized...
MY VIEW: Dan Crippen
In today's Washington Post, CRFB board member Dan Crippen makes the case for closing the tax loophole for online retailers. Mr. Crippen argues that...
Understanding the Long Term Budget Projections
As if we didn't have enough on CBO's Long Term Outlook last week, we have more long-term budget projections, this time in the form of CRFB's Realistic...
Senate Armed Services Committee Report
As our nation’s debt continues along its unsustainable path, it has become increasingly essential for a comprehensive fiscal plan that targets all...