Defense Cuts in the Flesh, Pt. 2
As we mentioned on Tuesday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was scheduled to roll out the strategic outline for the Pentagon's future. Earlier today...
The Urban Institute's Video on the Fiscal Commission's Social Security Plan
As the title of the blog suggests, the Urban Institute has a video with senior fellow Melissa Favreault analyzing the Social Security piece of Bowles...
Defense Cuts in the Flesh
According to today's New York Times, a report from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will be revealed this week on how the Pentagon will meet its...
Fitch Comments on U.S. Fiscal Situation
Once again, ratings agencies are warning the United States that our current fiscal outlook is not sustainable and we risk further downgrades unless we...
The Bottom Line Takes a Look Back at 2011
What a year it's been! 2011 certainly had plenty of budget and fiscal policy developments that kept all of us at CRFB pretty busy. We wish that meant...
Interesting Charts Of the Year
With the year wrapping up, our friends Ezra Klein over at the Washington Post and Derek Thompson at The Atlantic asked a variety of noted economists...
Line Items: Brinking Game Edition
Brink Again – Washington’s favorite game played out again last week as lawmakers once more waited until the last minute to avert a government shutdown...
New York Times Lays Out Medicare Options
In response to the release of the Ryan-Wyden premium support plan last week, The New York Times spelled out options for reducing Medicare spending...
Representatives Joining Together to Resist Efforts to Turn Off the Sequester Absent Debt Reduction Agreement
Update 12/16: Representatives Welch, Miller, Van Hollen, Cleaver, and Himes formally released the letter yesterday to President Obama with over 90...
MY VIEW: Gene Steuerle December 2011
On Tuesday, December 5, President Obama went to Oswatomie, Kansas, where Teddy Roosevelt in 1910 had made one of his most famous speeches. Democrats...
Ryan and Wyden Offer Ambitious Health Care Proposal
This morning, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) unveiled their proposal to significantly change Medicare, one of the...