MY VIEW: Gene Steuerle January 2013
Urban Institute Fellow and CRFB board member Gene Steuerle suggests that the greatest challenge for today's lawmakers is not action, but realizing...
Op-Ed: Our Imperfect Work
The Government We Deserve | January 23, 2013 “We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect,” Barack Obama proclaimed in his second inaugural...
MY VIEW: Jim Kolbe January 2013
Yesterday, CRFB board member and former Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) illustrated in The Arizona Republic that only a package that includes substantial...
New Developments with the Debt Ceiling
The House is pressing forward this week on debt ceiling legislation that contains a few different moving parts. The bill would buy lawmakers some more...
Op-Ed: Let's Reform the Real Cause of National Debt
The Arizona Republic | January 21, 2013 One thing I learned during my 22 years of serving in Congress is this: When the chips are down, Republicans...
Waiting to Make Changes Is Not the Answer
In a New York Times op-ed the other day, Paul Krugman argues that the urgency and significance of the debate over the federal budget deficit are...
Hindsight is 20/20: A Look Back at CBO's Economic Forecasting
Our recent blog " Putting the Debt on a Downward Path" emphasizes how changes in economic projections can affect the budget for better or for worse...
MY VIEW: Judd Gregg January 2013
In an op-ed in the Hill, former Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) is calling on Congressional Republicans not to use the debt ceiling as leverage for...
Op-Ed: Dont Hold the Debt Ceiling Hostage
The Hill | January 18, 2013 There appears to be a certain quality of self-immolation to the way the Republicans in Congress are approaching their...
A Few Proposals For Reforming Entitlement Programs
A recent report from the Business Roundtable (BRT) outlines their proposal to reform Social Security and Medicare with the goal of maintaining an...
The Fiscal Speed Bumps Ahead
Although labeled as the " fiscal cliff deal," the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) enacted into law left many budget issues unresolved or only...
House Approves $50 billion in Sandy Relief
Yesterday, the House of Representatives approved an additional $50.5 billion in disaster funding for areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy by a 241-180...