Social Security
Not Making the Social Security Grade
Many Americans lament the state of U.S. education; they fear that low standards and expectations are impairing the ability of our children to prepare...
‘Line’ Items: Ghost Town Edition
Washington Empties Out – With both houses of Congress in recess and the president traveling, Washington feels deserted. The biggest news in DC is...
Happy Birthday Social Security
Social Security turned 75 today! While the program remains vigorous after all these years, it is beginning to show its age. Unlike those that depend...
Bending the Aging Curve
We've spoken a lot about Social Security reform the last few days, in the context of solvency, sustainability, and direct effects on the budget. But...
A Look at International Pension Reform Efforts
As we think about Social Security reform in the United States, it makes sense to look at what other countries are doing to reform their public pension...
Options for Reform
We've talked a lot about the long-term outlook for Social Security (it is insolvent), its impact on the federal budget (it will increase debt held by...
Op-Ed: The $2.5 trillion Slush Fund
CNN Money | August 9, 2010 The Social Security trustees released their updated projections last week detailing the financial health of the nation's...
Social Security: One Program, Two Viewpoints
This week, The Bottom Line will be celebrating Social Security’s upcoming 75th birthday on August 14th, and our main present is a comprehensive look...
‘Line’ Items: Coming and Going Edition
Gone and Back – The Senate has left for its August recess, the House will return this week (for a day). Congress will be back in session after Labor...
Beyond Solvency
When we think about Social Security reform, we tend to look at options in terms of their impact solvency -- measured over a 75 years period. In their...
CRFB Reacts to Trustees Reports
Today, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the financial status of the two programs. The Trustees are...