Other Spending
Taking a Closer Look at the Senate's Highway Bill
We commended the Senate last week for seeking a long-term solution to the highway funding shortfall and for funding its proposal with real offsets...
Unpaid-For Veterans Provisions Piggyback on Transportation Bill
Before Congress leaves for August, they must pass a transportation bill extending highway programs and transferring additional money into the Highway...
Senate Transportation Bill Finds Offsets for Three Years of Funding
The Senate is discussing a bill that would reauthorize highway programs for six years and provide $47.6 billion of funding to cover the Highway Trust...
Bipartisan House Bill Would Keep Extra Congressional Allowances Unspent
Reps. Ron Kind (D-WI), Reid Ribble (R-WI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Pat Tiberi (R-OH) introduced a bipartisan bill (H.R. 3077, the Giveback Deficit...
Second Half of the Year Means Plenty of Fiscal Speed Bumps Ahead
As we move past the midpoint of 2015, several fiscal deadlines are fast approaching. Congress is preparing to act on two important Fiscal Speed Bumps...
House Transportation Plan Uses Elements that CRFB Highlighted
Here at CRFB we spend a lot of time reviewing responsible options to offset the cost of new bills and have provided many to lawmakers. So when current...
Appropriations Watch: FY 2016
Here is a link to the Appropriations Watch for FY 2020. Last updated 12/9/15. Lawmakers passed a continuing resolution funding the government through...
Dynamic Infrastructure Estimate Gives Lawmakers Food for Thought
Three weeks from the deadline to deal with highway funding, a new report commissioned by the McGraw Hill Financial Global Institute gives Congress...
CBO Forecasts Costs of Climate Change
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released new estimates of the cost of climate change, specifically as it relates to hurricanes. The report...
Defunding Health Care Innovation Jeopardizes the Budget
In a move that could stall promising health care delivery system reforms and drive up entitlement spending, the House Appropriations Committee last...