Fiscal Plans
Updated: CRFB's Table Comparing Deficit Reduction Plans
Over the past few weeks, several other think tanks, lawmakers, and experts have proposed their own plans for deficit reduction. We've update our...
The Center for American Progress Gets Specific
Today, the Center for American Progress released a plan to get specific on our growing deficits and debt. Or, rather, they've released five...
CRFB's Table Comparing Deficit Reduction Plans
Since the Fiscal Commission released its final report yesterday, CRFB has updated its comprehensive table covering all of the deficit reduction...
Stern Releases Plan to Lower the Budget Deficit...and the "Investment Deficit"
Today, Andy Stern, a member of the Fiscal Commission, released the 21st Century Plan for America’s Leadership, a proposal to reduce the federal...
The Fiscal Commission's Plan
The co-chairs of the President's fiscal commission today released the deficit reduction plan that members will be asked to vote on Friday. Alan...
'Our Fiscal Security' Gets Specific
You might have missed it last week if you were preparing to chow down on some turkey, but Our Fiscal Security (OFS)--a joint project of the Economic...
10 Themes Emerging from the New Debt Reduction Plans
We at CRFB have been calling for people to Get Specific on ways to deal with our long-term fiscal crisis for quite some time. Well, since that has...
Ryan-Rivlin Health Care Plan Unveiled
Many of the recent debt reduction plans—including, the fiscal commission's Co-Chairs' recent proposal, the Galston-MacGuineas plan, and the Debt...
Another Blue-Ribbon Group Weighs In
The drumbeat for action to reduce our long-term debt continues. Today the Debt Reduction Task Force of the Bipartisan Policy Center issued its...
Jan's Plan
For about a week now, we've been telling critics of the Co-Chairs' Plan to throw ideas, not stones. So, good for Jan Schakowsky. Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL...
Spending Challenge: Heritage Foundation's $343 Billion Proposal
The Heritage Foundation recently came out with a detailed paper with over $300 billion in spending cuts that can be put in place in FY 2012. Their...
NTU, US PIRG and Heritage Get Specific
Yesterday was a big day for getting specific as the National Taxpayers Union and the United States Public Interest Research Group, as well as the...