Fiscal Plans
David Walker: Presidential Candidates’ Budget Plans Not Feasible
In an op-ed in Roll Call, David Walker lamented the lack of a "feasible" debt plan among the Presidential candidates, including President Obama. While...
Steny Hoyer Says "Go Big"
On Monday, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) gave a speech calling for Congress to "Go Big" on deficit reduction. Hoyer opened by making the...
The Chained CPI and the Advantages of Going Big
CBPP released a paper last week re-affirming their support for switching to the chained CPI for calculation inflation adjustments for benefit programs...
What Do the Candidates' Plans Look Like in 2017?
The U.S. Budget Watch report " Primary Numbers: The GOP Candidates and the National Debt" has generated a lot of buzz since its release last Thursday...
Bowles-Simpson's Best Endorsement Yet?
Just when you thought you've seen it all, here's Clint Eastwood on CNBC's "Squawkbox" this morning touting the Fiscal Commission plan. Given the large...
The Road to Economic Growth
The McKinsey Global Institute recently released a report assessing the efforts of the world’s ten largest mature economies (United States, Japan...
Bernanke 'Supportive of Going Big'
Supporters of enacting a comprehensive deficit reduction plan got a boost yesterday from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. At a hearing with the...
NCSL Urges Washington to Go Big
Earlier this week, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) released a letter to the President and leaders in Congress, urging them to "...
Still Waiting For a Serious Focus on Fiscal Policy in the Election Debate
As the GOP primary season moves along to New Hampshire, we continue to look for signs that the candidates are at least as concerned with the country’s...
First Anniversary of the Fiscal Commission's Final Report, The Moment of Truth
Today marks the first anniversary of the release of The Moment of Truth, the final report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and...
How to Save $600 Billion in Health Care While Protecting the Disadvantaged
In his testimony to the Super Committee, Fiscal Commission co-chair Erskine Bowles floated a compromise plan which would, among other things, reduce...
Bowles Plan Offers Path to Compromise
At the end of Tuesday's Super Committee hearing, Fiscal Commission co-chair and CRFB board member Erskine Bowles offered up top-line numbers...