Domestic Spending
Setting the Record Straight on Spending Cuts and Taxes in the Fiscal Commission Plan
In a Heritage Foundation analysis of the President's Fiscal Commission's final plan, Brian Riedl argues that the recommendations have "too much taxes...
The Fiscal Commission's Plan
The co-chairs of the President's fiscal commission today released the deficit reduction plan that members will be asked to vote on Friday. Alan...
President Obama Freezes Federal Worker Pay for Two Years
President Obama announced today that he is freezing federal pay for the next two years. This action will save $60 billion over the next ten years, and...
Another Blue-Ribbon Group Weighs In
The drumbeat for action to reduce our long-term debt continues. Today the Debt Reduction Task Force of the Bipartisan Policy Center issued its...
Jan's Plan
For about a week now, we've been telling critics of the Co-Chairs' Plan to throw ideas, not stones. So, good for Jan Schakowsky. Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL...
Fiscal Commission Targets Federal Spending
Continuing our analysis of the President’s Fiscal Commission Draft Report, let's look at what the Co-Chair proposal does on the spending side of the...
The Fiscal Commission Gets Specific!
In a move much earlier than we expected, the Co-Chairs of the White House Fiscal Commission released their plan on how to get control of our national...
Have No Fear, CRFB Is Here!
Noted economist Brad DeLong is asking: where are the technocrats of the center? In a recent blog post, he laments the lack of a concrete plan among...
Spending Challenge: Heritage Foundation's $343 Billion Proposal
The Heritage Foundation recently came out with a detailed paper with over $300 billion in spending cuts that can be put in place in FY 2012. Their...
NTU, US PIRG and Heritage Get Specific
Yesterday was a big day for getting specific as the National Taxpayers Union and the United States Public Interest Research Group, as well as the...
Esquire Commission Stabilizes the Debt!
They Did It! Kudos to the Esquire Budget Commission for releasing a budget plan this morning! Former Senators Gary Hart, Bill Bradley, Bob Packwood...
CRFB Event: It's Time to Get Specific
With the fiscal debt clock ticking, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget yesterday brought together members of Congress and other fiscal...