Domestic Spending
The Rumored Aviation Security Fee Increase Explained
A recent CNN Money article suggests that budget conferees are likely to propose an increase in aviation security fees. When added to an increase in...
House Setting Into Motion Farm Bill Conference
Naturally, the country has been consumed by the developments (or lack thereof) in the government shutdown and debt ceiling impasse. But there is some...
Welcome to Shutdown
Today is the first October, first day of 2014 fiscal year, and because of the failure of Congress, the first day of the government shutdown. Yesterday...
CBO Takes a Look at the Pell Grant Program
Today, the Congressional Budget Office released a new report on Pell Grants which details the program and recent changes made to it, shows options to...
President Proposes 1% Pay Increase for Federal Workers
Last Friday, President Obama sent a letter to Congress calling for a 1 percent pay raise for federal civilian workers next year. The White House...
Taking a Broader Look at Federal Support for Education
On Friday, we discussed the President's recent speeches on his policy proposals for higher education. With most K-12 schools and university funding...
The President's Higher Education Proposals
As part of an ongoing series of economic speeches entitled A Better Bargain for the Middle Class, President Obama spoke yesterday at the University of...
Want to Protect Low-Income Individuals? Look Toward a Grand Bargain
Today, a piece in the Financial Times shows the unnecessary damage being done by the ongoing sequester -- in this case, sharp cuts to federal support...
The President's Housing Reform Proposals
Yesterday in Phoenix, one of the hardest hit areas by the housing bust, President Obama gave a speech that laid out his plan to strengthen the housing...
Appropriations Bill Lands With a THUD on the Floor
Yesterday, the House Transportation-Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill was removed from floor consideration, showing a lack of...
NYT Gets It Wrong on the Student Loan Deal
A recent New York Times editorial gets it wrong by opposing a bipartisan student loan deal that would lower interest rates for all new students today...
The Student Loan Agreement: Not a Bad Deal for Students
Yesterday, CRFB praised the recent bipartisan agreement to enact a permanent fix for student loans instead of another temporary and costly solution...