2016 Policy Explainer
Hillary Clinton Releases Infrastructure Plan
This blog is part of a series of " Policy Explainers" for the 2016 presidential election, where we explain some of the candidates' policy proposals...
Senator Rand Paul Releases Flat Tax Plan
This blog is part of a series of " Policy Explainers" for the 2016 presidential election, where we explain some of the candidates' policy proposals...
Infographic Comparing Candidates' Tax Plans
Fiscal FactCheck released an infographic comparing the costs of several GOP presidential candidates’ tax plans. So far, the Tax Foundation has scored...
Bush Proposes Social Security and Medicare Reform Plan
This blog is part of a series of " Policy Explainers" for the 2016 presidential election, where we explain some of the candidates' policy proposals...
Florida Governor Jeb Bush Proposes Social Security And Medicare Reform Plan
Today, Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush unveiled a new plan – among the most detailed we have seen so far from...
How Would Governor Kasich's Plan Reduce Deficits?
Republican Presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) has released an "Action Plan" that plots a path to (on-)budget balance by 2025. Perhaps not...
Clinton's College Affordability Proposal, Explained
One of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's first major policy proposals focused on college affordability. Called the " New College...
Governor Bobby Jindal Releases Tax Reform Plan
Republican presidential candidate Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced his tax reform plan with a centerpiece that promises to ensure every...
Donald Trump Releases Huge Tax Plan
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced his tax reform plan yesterday to lower tax rates and simplify the tax code with the goal of...
Sanders and Clinton Release Plans to Tackle Prescription Drug Costs
Over the past few weeks, the two leading Democratic candidates for President, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders (I...
Governor Bush Releases Tax Reform Plan
Presidential candidate Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) announced his tax reform plan to trim deductions and lower tax rates yesterday. It is one part of his...
A Quick Take on Governor Christie's Entitlement Plan
This morning, Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) delivered an important speech in New Hampshire on the need for entitlement reform. The speech not only...