Introducing the CRFB Debt Thermometer

Fiscal policy has profound consequences on the economic health and national security of the country. Yet little is done to track the effects of legislation or executive orders enacted in a given year in a way that reaches the public. In fact, it is probably safe to say that few Members of Congress are aware of the effects of the policy changes in any year.

The CRFB Debt Thermometer has been created to bring more transparency to the process. We will track annually the fiscal impact of all major new legislation and executive orders through a tool created to make it easy for citizens, lawmakers, and the media to keep up with the ten-year costs or savings associated with new policies.

As of June 2024, policymakers have enacted $640 billion of ten-year debt increases this year so far. We will continue to update the Debt Thermometer throughout the year.

Updated June 27, 2024.