
Welcome to our blog – The Bottom Line, where you’ll find up-to-date commentary and analysis on the most important news in the fiscal world. Below is a list of our blog posts.


Local Pensions: A Crisis

We spend much of our time discussing and pointing out the precarious state of our federal budget. But the federal budget isn't the only area of public...

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Fiscal Reform: U.K. Style

Our friend across the pond, the United Kingdom, is dealing with its own fiscal challenges. Currently, their debt-GDP ratio stands at over 71 percent...

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MARKETWATCH: October 4-8

There’s a chill in the air – and not just from the weather. Today’s weak job market news for September (the tough employment situation appears to be...

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The World Debt Clock

The Economist has something pretty interesting up on its website: a global debt clock. The clock measures global debt held by the public (different...

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