FY 2025 & 2026 Budget Resolution Principles

A fiscally responsible budget resolution should abide by the following principles:

Set a meaningful fiscal goal with a plan to meet that goal 

  • The fiscal goal should, at a minimum, put debt on a downward path as a share of the economy over the ten-year window and beyond.
  • Set out a plan to meet that goal, free of gimmicks or unrealistic assumptions.

Include a plan to control the growth of mandatory spending

  • Include significant and achievable savings targets to slow the growth of mandatory spending programs, along with credible examples.
  • Include reconciliation instructions for all assumed mandatory savings.

Provide for fiscally responsible tax reform

  • Include reconciliation instructions for pro-growth tax reform that is preferably deficit-reducing and at the very least, deficit-neutral relative to current law.
  • Devote any increased revenues from dynamic growth to deficit reduction.

Set responsible, achievable, and enforceable discretionary spending levels 

  • Set realistic discretionary levels, complying with Fiscal Responsibility Act caps and showing a path to extending enforceable caps.
  • Limit emergency and other spending outside the FRA caps and establish criteria for emergency spending.

Enforce the PAYGO requirement that legislation not add to the deficit

  • Require full offsets for any bill that reduces revenues or increases mandatory spending so that it does not add to the deficit.
  • Maintain and strengthen PAYGO and other rules prohibiting legislation that would increase the deficit over the medium or long term.

Rely on credible and realistic assumptions

  • Use economic assumptions from the Congressional Budget Office.
  • Require “current law” baseline rules for evaluating costs of legislation.
  • Do not rely on large, unspecified spending cuts.

Improve the budget process and budget enforcement

  • Ensure strict enforcement of spending and revenue levels in budget resolution and make it more difficult to waive budget limits by stricter procedural controls.
  • Strengthen prohibitions of fake savings and other budget gimmicks.