Fiscal Fact Checker: How Much Has Spending Increased Under President Obama?
Update: The text has been updated to include spending growth numbers for President Bush excluding financial rescue programs. An article by Rex Nutting...
Good News for a Deal?
A Washington Post article late last week detailed a number of current Republican members of Congress or Congressional candidates who are foregoing the...
Minnesotan Praise for "Debate the Debt"
CRFB has called for this year’s presidential candidates to " Debate the Debt" by dedicating one of the three presidential debates to proposals for...
The Wrong Fight on Taxes
The Hill has an article today detailing infighting within the Democrats over what to do with the 2001/2003 tax cuts. The position expressed by...
USA Today Accounts for Unfunded Liabilities
The USA Today has an interesting article on the "real federal deficit" for 2011. They say that the $1.3 trillion is dwarfed by a more comprehensive...
How to Make a Deal, Tax Reform Edition
In a blog post cross-posted at Tax Policy Center and Forbes, Howard Gleckman summarizes a talk that American Action Forum president and former CBO...
A Lively Debate on the Affordable Care Act
Yesterday, Medicare trustee Charles Blahous and former chief economist for Vice President Biden Jared Bernstein had a debate about the fiscal...
CBO Joins the Cliff Estimating Game
Estimates of the fiscal cliff that is set to occur at the end of the year have been popping up in recent weeks. Now CBO has lended its voice to the...
Line Items: Social Network Edition
Much Not to ‘Like’ – Facebook had its initial public offering (IPO) on Friday. The hype surrounding the offering illustrated the prominence of social...
A Progressive Retirement Age?
Yesterday, Zeke Emanuel advanced an interesting proposal for Social Security and Medicare in a blog at The New York Times: varying the retirement ages...
Tax Policy Center Event Discusses Taxes on the Financial Sector
When discussing new types of revenue or tax structures for the federal government to consider the other month, we touched on financial sector taxes as...