My View
MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas August 8 2011
In two recent commentaries, written for CNN and CNN Money, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas talks about S&P's recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating...
MY VIEW: Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson August 2011
In an op-ed in today's New York Times, CRFB board members and former fiscal commission co-chairs Erskine Bowles and Sen. Alan Simpson offered their...
Erskine Bowles, Alan Simpson, and Maya MacGuineas: Who Won and Lost in the Debt Deal?
In today's Washington Post, several contributors offered their thoughts on the recent debt deal reached by leaders in Washington to raise the debt...
MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas August 2 2011
In her latest CNN commentary, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas stresses that Washington must do better than the debt deal recently approved by Congress...
MY VIEW: Alan Simpson, David Stockman and Bill Frenzel
CNN recently invited several former Washington leaders to offer their thoughts on Washington's debt-ceiling gridlock, and we are proud to say that...
MY VIEW: Tim Penny and Bill Frenzel
In a new op-ed published in Investor's Business Daily, CRFB co-chairs Tim Penny and Bill Frenzel offer insight into how Democrats and Republicans in...
MY VIEW: Alan Simpson July 2011
As a former GOP Senator, you've seen your share of debt-ceiling votes and deficit talks. Is this round any different? This is different because of...
Gene Steuerle: Planning for How to Present the Budget in 2013
If you are following the machinations over raising the nation's debt limit, you know that both political parties expect much of the progress on the...
CNN EXCLUSIVE: Don't give up on grand bargain on debt
In an exclusive op-ed today for CNN, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas urges lawmakers not to give up on trying to use the debt limit increase as an...
CNN MONEY EXCLUSIVE: Go Big on the Debt Ceiling
In her latest commentary for CNN Money, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas urges Washington lawmakers to go big on the debt ceiling. She also lays out...
MY VIEW: Dan Crippen
In today's Washington Post, CRFB board member Dan Crippen makes the case for closing the tax loophole for online retailers. Mr. Crippen argues that...
MY VIEW: Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson June 2011
In a recently published op-ed in The Hill, CRFB board members Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson write that a serious fiscal reform plan must be agreed...