Budget Process
Senate Should Post Information on Spending
UPDATE: The Coburn amendment was agreed to on a 100-0 vote. The Senate today will consider a proposal from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to post...
Past Uses of Reconciliation
In last week's backgrounder blog post on budget reconciliation, we said that the process has been used 22 times in the past, with the President having...
Weekend Editorial Roundup
Here are the highlights from this weekend’s editorials on fiscal and budget policy: The New York Times called on Congress to do more to create jobs...
‘Line’ Items: Oscars Edition
Temporary Tax Extensions Avoid “The Hurt Locker” – The Senate passed H.R. 4691, a 30-day extension of several expired tax breaks and unemployment and...
Constitutional Route Becoming Popular
Given the present economic and political climate, many are eying Constitutional changes to help improve the budget situation. In yesterday’s Wall...
Don't Circumvent PAYGO on Jobs Bill
The CBO released an updated cost estimate* of the Senate jobs bill yesterday. This larger bill calls for further increased funding for unemployment...
Health Reform by Reconciliation: Maligned, Misunderstood, but Misused Is Up for Debate
Unable to pass health care reform using “regular order,” Congressional Democrats now are turning to much-misunderstood process known as “budget...
Senate Falls One Vote Shy of Considering Sessions-McCaskill Spending Caps Amendment
The Senate has just voted to not waive a Budget Act point of order raised against the Sessions-McCaskill amendment (#3337) to the Senate jobs bill...
‘Line’ Items: A Lonely Road, Paying for Jobs
Highway to Nowhere – Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) has blocked a vote on temporarily extending unemployment and COBRA benefits, the Medicare “doc fix” as...
Accounting for Fannie and Freddie
An editorial yesterday in the Wall Street Journal called on the Administration to support the reform of the two housing financing enterprises...
CBO Scores Second Senate Jobs Bill
Today, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid introduced a second jobs bill, following the first $16 billion jobs bill (-$1.1 billion 11-year deficit...
Herszenhorn Discusses Reconciliation For Health Care
Ever since Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts, there has been a lot of talk about Democrats using budget reconciliation to pass a comprehensive...