Republicans Named to Deficit Commission
Congressional GOP leaders have just named three Senators and three Congressman to sit on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, established by the President in mid-February to reduce the deficit to a sustainable level by 2015 (see CRFB's previous discussion of the Commission here).
Senate Republicans chose Senator Judd Gregg (NH), Senator Mike Crapo (ID), and Senator Tom Coburn (OK), while House Republicans chose Congressman Paul Ryan (WI), Congressman Dave Camp (MI), and Congressman Jeb Hensarling (TX). House Democrats have yet to name their appointments to the Commission.
Named members now include:
- Eskine Bowles (Democratic Co-Chair)
- Alan Simpsons (Republican Co-Chair)
- Alice Rivlin (Presidential Appointee - Democrat)
- David Cote (Presidential Appointee - Republican)
- Andy Stern (Presidential Appointee - Democrat)
- Ann Fudge (Presidential Appointee - Democrat)
- Kent Conrad (Senate Democrat)
- Max Baucus (Senate Democrat)
- Dick Durbin (Senate Democrat)
- Judd Gregg (Senate Republican)
- Mike Crapo (Senate Republican)
- Tom Coburn (Senate Republican)
- Paul Ryan (House Republican)
- Dave Camp (House Republican)
- Jeb Hensarling (House Republican)
See our previous commentary on the Commission:
Press Release – Joint Statement on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
Obama Appoints Four More to the Deficit Commission
Democrats Named to Deficit Panel
CRFB, Concord, and CED Commend Commission