Last Minute Recommendations to the Super Committee
Update: The House and Senate Agricultural Committees sent a bicameral, bipartisan letter to the Super Committee on Friday, promising a $23 billion savings package by November 1. Once this package is specified, we will include it in the tracker.
Last Friday was the last day for committees to submit recommendations to the Super Committee, so it's no surprise that a flood of letters came in just then. A number of committees (and the Congressional Progressive Caucus) offered up ideas spanning a wide range of areas. We will briefly go through all of them.
- Senate Armed Services (Majority): Fee for TRICARE-for-Life
- Senate Armed Services (Minority): Military health and retirement benefit changes
- Senate Budget (Bipartisan): Biennial budgeting, other process changes
- Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation (Bipartisan): Spectrum auctions
- Senate Finance (Minority): Raise Medicare retirement age, change Medicare cost-sharing, block grant Medicaid, repeal PPACA, tort reform, others
- House Financial Services (Majority): Raise Fannie/Freddie fees, numerous housing program cuts/changes, repeal Dodd-Frank, others
- House Homeland Security (Majority): Create first responder network funded with spectrum auctions
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (Bipartisan): Federal workforce/contracting changes, spectrum auctions
- House Judiciary (Majority): Tort reform
- House Science (Majority): Clean energy and EPA cuts, spectrum auctions, others
- Senate Small Business (Minority): Repeal PPACA, tort reform, numerous SBA changes
- Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia (Majority): Federal workforce/compensation changes
- Congressional Progressive Caucus: The People's Budget
This list excludes the Majority side of the House Intelligence Committee--who also submitted a letter to the Super Committee on Friday--since they didn't include any specific recommendations.
Also, in addition to these Congressional submissions, the Economic Policy Institute and The Century Foundation compiled a list of revenue options that would raise $4.7 trillion. You can see these options here.
The sum total of these submissions bring our Super Committee tracker up to 29. Although the deadline for Congressional committees has passed, there is still the opportunity for other groups or individuals to make their ideas known.