Social Security
Again on the Facts of the Chained CPI
It's amazing how sequences in Washington can repeat themselves. Back in June, when switching to the chained CPI was talked about as an option in the...
Congressman Chaffetz Releases Social Security Plan
Congressman Chaffetz (R-UT) has just proposed a Social Security reform plan to restore solvency to the program. The plan relies on reforms to the...
Social Security Debate Heats Up
With reports that the Super Committee has been considering reforms to Social Security, rhetoric from all sides of the issue has been heating up. This...
The Importance of Shared Sacrifice
As is well-known by now, the growth in entitlement programs fueled by rising health care costs and an aging population threatens an ever-increasing...
Social Security COLA Increase
Social Security beneficiaries will see a raise in their benefits next year, resulting from a 3.6 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase...
Momentum Continues to Grow for the Chained CPI
The chained CPI, a policy option that has been endorsed by experts, organizations, and many others from across the political spectrum and has just...
Offsetting the Jobs Bill
Yesterday, the President offered a plan for how he would pay for his $447 billion jobs proposal. The pay-fors would come entirely from revenues...
CBO Releases Social Security Projections
CBO's latest Social Security projections bring no surprises to anyone familiar with the state of the program's finances. CBO projects the program to...
Bipartisan Support for the Chained CPI
Talk of switching to the chained CPI for all inflation indexed elements of the federal budget has continued gaining much attention in the past few...
The Facts on the Chained CPI
Coverage of the so-called "chained CPI" has been heating up recently, due to rumors that it might be included in the latest round of debt negotiations...