Countdown to Tax Day Series
The Need for Fundamental Tax Reform
In our “Countdown to tax day” we have so far covered the pros and cons of a VAT, the limitations of only taxing income over $250,000, extending...
Considering a Value Added Tax
With huge structural deficits looming in the future, many observers feel that the current tax code will not be able to raise enough revenue to balance...
Can Only Taxing Income Over $250,000 Pay Off Our Debt?
President Obama has pledged not to raise taxes on individuals who earn under $200,000 a year or on couples earning under $250,000. It seems highly...
New Types of Taxes
In counting down to tax day, we’ve already shown that we don’t raise as much in revenue as we spend, and how this is partially the result of costly...
Spending by Any Other Name Smells as Sweet: Tax Expenditures
In the complexity that is our tax system, there’s a special group of tax law provisions that significantly change how the regular tax rates affect...
Bottom Line Counts Down to Tax Day
Those who are yet to file their tax returns know full well that April 15 ( Tax Day) is fast approaching. In the mad rush to complete the paperwork...
So What's Our Revenue Situation?
With tax day fast approaching, it's worth discussing the current state of revenues in the United States. Last year, revenue collection hit a 60-year...