Individual Income Tax

Option Current Law Trump Plan
Repeal and Replace the Personal and Dependent Exemption
Eliminate personal exemptions $1.8 trillion $1.4 trillion
Eliminate personal exemptions and introduce a $500 child/dependent credit $1.4 trillion $1.1 trillion
Eliminate personal exemptions and introduce a $1,000 child/dependent credit $1.1 trillion $850 billion
Eliminate personal exemptions, leave the standard deduction at current law levels, and create an $800 per person credit N/A $600 billion
Modify Personal Tax Expenditures
Replace the Cadillac tax with a cap on the exclusion of employer-provided health insurance^ $100 to $300 billion $90 to $265 billion
Reform or eliminate the exclusion of interest for public-purpose municipal bonds $30 to $400 billion $25 to $350 billion
Repeal deduction for "cafeteria plans" $380 billion $330 billion
Include employer-paid premiums for income-replacement insurance in taxable income $335 billion $300 billion
Include investment income from life insurance and annuities in taxable income $240 billion $200 billion
Reform treatment small business wage earnings (Edwards/Gingrich loophole) $15 to $235 billion $15 to $40 billion
Reform higher-education tax preferences $105 to $195 billion $95 to $170 billion
Repeal foreign earned income and housing exclusions $105 billion $90 billion
Include VA disability benefits in taxable income $90 billion $80 billion
Repeal exclusion for miscellaneous fringe benefits $85 billion $75 billion
Repeal exclusion for employer-provided transportation benefits $60 billion $50 billion
Require EITC and CTC claimants to have a Social Security Number valid for employment* $40 billion $40 billion
Eliminate most nonrefundable personal credits $40 billion $40 billion
Eliminate "carried interest" loophole $20 billion n/a
Require derivatives to be marked to market $15 billion $15 billion
Repeal the exclusion of allowances for federal employees abroad $15 billion $15 billion
Limit deductibility of CEO compensation $12 to $50 billion $12 to $40 billion

Note: Estimates are rounded and rely on CRFB calculations and multiple sources, including CBO, JCT, Treasury, Tax Policy Center, Tax Foundation, and American Enterprise Institute.

^ = Effect on income tax revenues only.

* = Includes outlay effects.


  $975 billion