
Welcome to our blog – The Bottom Line, where you’ll find up-to-date commentary and analysis on the most important news in the fiscal world. Below is a list of our blog posts.


MarketWatch July 5-9

Markets are justifiably confused about the strength of the economy: is growth slowing? Is it slowing a lot or just a little? Will it keep chugging...

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The Budget Simulator on Politico

Here's CRFB's Chris Dreibelbis with Politico's Patrick Gavin, talking about our Stabilize the Debt! budget simulator. Watch out for the simulator...

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Some Wise Words from the IMF

Last week, Murilo Portugal, the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, gave the opening speech at the IMF Forum in Stockholm. In his remarks, he...

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Weekend Editorial Roundup

Here are the highlights from this weekend’s editorials on fiscal and budget policy: The Denver Post said that although they opposed a large stimulus...

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